Sunday 27 November 2011

'Killer Chook'

Sage has asserted herself to claim her rights in the chicken pen as top chook. For the second time she has attacked a brush turkey in a comical display of territorial dominance when he found his way in to steal food. Having gone to sort out the errant turkey I watched in amazement as Sage went into full attack mode when the turkey panicked and started to run along the pen’s perimeter trying to escape when he saw me. She chased him right out and away from the pen vocalising her displeasure with loud clucking for good measure as the turkey ran for it’s life. She is still the only chook out of the four laying an egg each day which is a bit disconcerting since Christine did start to lay then stopped mysteriously. Having consulted a UK website in the hope of finding some clues about why I discovered it’s not an uncommon problem and the reasons are many and varied so I remain hopeful that given time they will follow the great example of Sage who even gave us an egg in the cat carry box I used to bring them home in. In fact yesterday she gave us an enormous egg that turned out to be a double yolk which thrilled me to bits.

Friday 25 November 2011

London calling

Not far from Westminster on the Thames
This is one of my favourite photos of London on our last day in the city before going to Tring in Hertfordshire. Look at that beautiful sky ! It was a magic last day in a city I love being in which is unusual since I’m not a city person. There is something about London that’s compelling though. It’s exciting and huge and there is just so much to see, so many incredibly iconic landmarks of history and such a diverse mix of old and new structures all thrown together and somehow it works. For five days we walked everywhere from St Katherines dock where we stayed. We took the tube almost every day to visit the places on our list. Kensington one day to see the Princess Diana memorial walk and the Natural History Museum then on to Buckingham Palace. Another day we went to Waterloo to see one of the highlights of my whole trip, the annual SOFA cat art exhibition. Such a thrill to see so many brilliant cat artists exhibiting. I just wish I could have been part of it too but we weren’t arriving in the UK at the right time to deliver an artwork unfortunately but it’s definitely on my list of ambitions. The National Portrait Gallery was stunning and featured marvellous exhibition of black and white photographs of the most glamorous Hollywood stars from the past such as Brando Liz Taylor Jean Harlow and Garbo and many more, such nostalgia. At St. Martins I found a ‘to die for’ leather coat I couldn’t resist and a small pewter perfume bottle and venetian bronze lion and marble bowl I had to have. Most nights we staggered home exhausted with only enough energy to pop into the Waitrose downstairs for a formidable choice of fresh and mouth watering foods including my favourite Eccles cakes ? I love the gorgeous buttery flaky pastry wrapped around a sticky centre of currents.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

'Dog Tired'

At last I’ve finished this painting ! Months ago I started it, not long before my trip to Paris and the UK then events overtook me and the painting just sat on the easel.  It’s hard to return to an incomplete work especially when it’s been so long. The next painting will be a challenge I know because I want to paint a surrealist work with cats in acrylics. It’s been ages since I used acrylics but the artwork idea I have won’t work in pastels. I just love to work in pastel because it’s the ideal medium for animal portraiture but as an artist I’m driven to keep pushing the boundaries of what I think I can do.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

'Chook Heaven'

After being confined to their pen for about two weeks I thought it was safe to let the chooks out into the world to free range. They were very excited and rushed out to scratch and explore. For their first outing I waited until mid afternoon so they weren't out too long before it started to get dark. Almost on cue they head for their roosting box as the light disappears from the day so I don't have to go looking for them. Christine is now laying and like Sage allows me to pick her up for a cuddle while Onion and Maudy haven't  managed to lay at all and remain quite nervous. Perhaps they are low ranking chooks because Christine is definitely a leader and has taken to complaining loudly if I don't let them out to free range. I was a bit worried about them annoying the neighbours but fortunately they seem to stay within the boundaries of our garden. In the morning they eagerly greet me for the scraps a good friend brings which they relish even though at first they didn't seem to know what they were. Yesterday I could repay the kindness of the gift of scraps with a half dozen eggs. Oh I get such a thrill collecting those gorgeous little warm eggs.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Our first eggs

What is it that’s so appealing about having chooks and a supply of fresh eggs I wonder ? Apart from the fact that they taste so much better than the bought ones I think it has to do with knowing where your eggs come from. For such a long time I’ve felt uncomfortable every time I put a pack of eggs in the shopping trolley knowing that despite the label saying free range they probably are no such thing. No one can be unaware of the miserable existence of the battery hen. Maybe it’s got a lot to do with our desire to produce or grow our own food the way it used to be before we all got so reliant on supermarkets. Whatever the reason it’s a thrill to visit the chooks each day and see those dear little warm eggs on the hay.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

A cat art print sale

'Miko' pastel 30 x 30cm
 Another print sale to a collector in Seattle US and I'm just so pleased. All the effort and hard work of creating websites blogging and general self promotion is paying off at last. Sometimes I've wondered if there really was any point to it all but what I'm learning is that it takes time, that it really doesn't happen overnight but it will happen !

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The chooks have names

So far only 'Sage'  is laying, and she has given us an egg each day announcing the arrival with low clucking noises. Perhaps Christine, Onion and Maudy will eventually get the idea of what to do from her. We had an episode a few mornings ago when I discovered a young brush turkey in the pen. The chooks weren’t taking the least bit of interest in it until I entered the pen which frightened the turkey because he thought he was cornered. Once he started to panic and run along the inside of the pen two of the chooks chased and attacked him forcing him to take flight out of the pen in terror. Somehow I don't think he'll be back !

Saturday 5 November 2011

The chooks settle in

For the first time since childhood I have some backyard chooks, four of them in fact. They are at the age known as point of lay which is self explanatory I suppose. I collected them from the produce store a week ago using a cat carry box to transport them home and on the way one of them laid an egg so I thought things looked pretty positive. After all why have chooks if they don't give you eggs ?  Having bought a DIY chookhouse on the net and paid a couple of guys to build a platform for it and a pen I thought it would be reasonably straightforward however my husband found that there were bits missing and damaged as he was putting the house together so that meant having to make modifications before we could paint it. After consulting my book about chooks I realised that ensuring the chooks comfort was directly linked to egg production so further changes were necessary before we could relax and wait for our eggs. The chooks seemed to approve of their patch of backyard raking and scratching in the dirt but when night came they inspected the house and decided to find somewhere else to sleep. Before we knew what had happened one had flown over the 2m fence and was running around the perimeter of the yard frantic because it was separated from the others with my husband in pursuit in the half dark. Having eventually caught it and closed them all in the house we realised we'd have to clip their wings in the morning to avoid this unwelcome drama happening again. It's been several days since that episode and we've made a few more home improvements. This morning we've been rewarded with a second egg in the nesting box.