Saturday 30 July 2011

A dog print sale !

Sell Art Online

I'm so pleased ! why ? well I've just received notification of my first print sale that's why and I'm pretty chuffed ! There is an irony in it though. Mostly I'm known as an artist who paints cats but my first print sale is a dog. Her name is 'Chilli' and she was a commissioned surprise Xmas gift for lovely couple from the UK.

All my artworks are for sale in print on Fine Art America and given how many artists show their work on the site I'm thrilled to have this sale. May there be many more.

Friday 22 July 2011

Bird for lunch ?

Lorikeet lunch
If only.....
Yum I can almost taste what those lorikeets would be like if I could just catch one. What a torment they are, teasing me with their ceaseless chatter, splashing water everywhere, and giving me cheek. Yeh, I nearly had one the other day but mum stepped in and saved it, gee it was close. Silly thing flew down onto my deck so what was I supposed to do ? I did what any self respecting cat would do and grabbed it, the opportunity was just too good to pass up, but I'm still young and inexperienced so when mum rushed out, I let it go and she picked it up and threw it into the air. A confetti of soft downy feathers was all I had to console myself with, at least until next time and there will be a next time.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Cat's seal of approval

At last the tradies have gone and life has returned to normal so now we can enjoy the new deck.  Wow it's fabulous !  So nice to stretch out on in the winter sun for a sleep, watch the birds, and dream about what mum is preparing for us for dinner. She owes us big time after all the upheavel and indignity we've suffered while the renovations were happening. We know it's not over yet, there will be more days locked out of the house waiting in the studio while the new floor gets laid, so we are making the most of this small interval of peace and normality to soak up the toasty warmth of the timber deck......ahhh life's good !

Sasha enjoys the sun

Fergus test driving the deck

Rueben likes the view

Monday 11 July 2011

A trip to the vet

To add insult to the cat’s injury at having to endure the chaos of our renovations I took them to the vet for their vaccinations this morning. Necessary preparations for their little ‘holiday’ at the cattery while we are overseas. We haven't told them about that yet. Howling and wailing in protest all the way worse was to come when the dreaded thermometer was inserted, oh the indignity of it all. So now I'm the worst bitch on the planet.
It was probably a sign that it was going to be the day from hell for them when I got there. The resident tabby tomcat came out to check their credentials giving each of them a thorough sniffing through the bars of their cat carry box. Tom the vet pronounced all to be healthy so back home to the hammering drilling and tradies coming and going. The day will soon be over, the workers gone so time for dinner and a well deserved stretch out in front of the fire.

Sunday 10 July 2011

The cats are definitely cheesed off about being locked out of the house while renovations are going on. Not that they have been turfed outdoors mind you, just out to their night time quarters which also doubles as my studio. They aren't impressed at this disruption to their otherwise serene existence, in fact neither am I at having to share my studio space with the cats during the day while I try to escape the din of drilling and hammering in the house. Not sure what's worse, listening to the wailing and complaining of Rueben as he loudly voices his persistent protest or the hammering. It's only been days, but it feels like weeks trying to maintain a normal routine when everything is anything but normal as our deck gets replaced, a new fireplace goes in, and finally new flooring and if we aren't divorced by then, maybe we can find the energy to face an external paint job as well. At least Fergus has given up trying to climb the glass door every time the carpenter drills timber in the carport beside the studio. Sasha stoically climbs into her bean bag in resignation and stays there most of the day, but by tea time she's had enough, growling and snarling at the others while she waits with growing annoyance for her dinner. And if all this disturbance to their life isn't bad enough, the carpenter brings his old dog with him. Thank god for glass doors otherwise blood would've been shed the first day when they eyeballed each other. As much as I love them all, our overseas trip can't come quick enough when I can leave all this behind me for a blessed month. Should I feel guilty ?

Tuesday 5 July 2011

How do I write an art theme ?

Have you ever wanted to enter an art exhibition then baulked when you had to write a response to a theme ?
Well I'm baulking now at the thought of having to respond to this....
The theme for 2011 is: Connection. Artists are asked to respond to the theme, exploring particularly how the idea of ‘connection’ relates to their lives and people and/or places of regional and remote Queensland communities. 
I found this article helpful....

Monday 4 July 2011

Rueben is 15

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~ Anatole France

About 5 years ago the vet said he wouldn't make old bones and despite having wobbly back legs it's Rueben's birthday and he's 15. Old cats are a bit like old people, often needy, wanting more cuddles, a bit clingy and sometimes fretful. What will life be like when he's gone ? Just too empty to imagine and I find myself thinking about it more as each year passes. How do words describe the companion he's been all these years. Impossible. His character is larger than life itself and he's smarter than any cat is supposed to be and I'll  miss him dearly.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Abstracts Art Exhibition – July 2011

Abstracts Art Exhibition – July 2011

This is truly inspirational stuff for abstract artists, in fact all artists. We need visual stimulation to fire our own ideas, I know I do. Even though my works could be described as realistic I can still feel a thrill looking at artworks like these. The use of vibrant colour  and wonderful shapes fire the creative juices and as artists we can all benefit even if we don't create abstracts. It surely must be challenging to conceive an artwork from within that has no reference in reality and to rely on shape colour and texture to tell your story.

Saturday 2 July 2011

It's a Dog's Life

A new day a new painting. Does he look like the most relaxed pooch you've ever seen ? I thought so and just had to paint him. Using a very limited colour palette of pastels on blue paper I want to capture this scene of utter abandonment to the afternoon siesta. The finished painting will be about 40 x 40cm. It's always exciting to look forward to the process of creating a new painting especially when the subject has as much personality as this wonderful dog.